Hdf Zlib File

  1. The pre-built binary distributions in the table below contain the HDF5 libraries, include files, utilities, and release notes, and are built with the SZIP Encoder Enabled and ZLIB external libraries. For information on using SZIP, see the SZIP licensing information. Hdf5-1.12.0-Std-osx101364-clang.tar.gz 40.1 MB (sha256).
  2. Code to read a zip file as a stream and extract its contents. Sunzip.c will read a zip file from stdin and extract the files therein that use compression methods 0, 8, 9, or 12 (stored, deflate, deflate64, or bzip2). It accepts Zip64 input.
  1. Hdf Zlib File Size
  2. Hdf Zlib File Type
  3. Hdf Zlib File Indir
  4. Hdf Zlib File Template

OK, I recompiled using make V=1 and re-directed to a file. Here’s my current compile script: cat my.configure #!/bin/csh -f. Make distclean & /dev/null. Setenv FC pgfortran. HDF5 Data Compression Demystified #1. Elena Pourmal, The HDF Group What happened to my compression?

This web site is no longer maintained (but will remain online).
Please see The HDF Group's new Support Portal for the latest information.

A CTest script and platform configuration file can be used to simplify buildingwith CMake. The script below will build HDF4 with SZIP, ZLIB, and the JPEG externallibraries.


  • CMakeMUST be installed. The minimum CMakeversion supported is 3.2.2

  • Blank spaces MUST NOT be used in directory path names as this will cause the buildto fail.

  • (Windows) NSIS or WiX should be installed in order to create an install image with CPack. NSIS will create a .exe installer. WiX will create a .msi installer.

    Visual Studio Express users will not be able to package HDF into an install image executable. Turn off packaging by doing the following:

    • Edit HDF4options.cmake.

Build Instructions

Please follow the instructions below for building.

  • Review the preconditions to be sure all needed software is on your machine.

  • Create a working directory.

  • Download the appropriate file for your platform to your working directory. Uncompress it. It will contain a CMake-hdf-4.2.13 directory.

    WindowsContains files to build HDF4 with CMake on Windows
    UnixContains files to build HDF4 with CMake on Unix

    MD5 checksums for the source code distributions: [ md5 ]

    From the command line, go into the CMake-hdf-4.2.13 directory, which contains: PLEASE NOTE that the HDF4options.cmake file is provided to enable users to easily change build options without modifying the CMake build files.

  • Execute the batch file or shell script containing the ctest command for your platform. Build scripts are provided for Unix, VS 2015, VS 2013, and VS 2012. (See Troubleshooting if you do not see your platform).

    Example build files are shown below:

    PlatformBatch File / Shell Scriptctest command
    Windows 64-bit VS 2015
    build-VS2015-64.bat ctest -S HDF4config.cmake,BUILD_GENERATOR=VS201564 -C Release -V -O hdf4.log
    Windows 32-bit VS 2015
    build-VS2015-32.batctest -S HDF4config.cmake,BUILD_GENERATOR=VS2015 -C Release -V -O hdf4.log
    Unix build-unix.shctest -S HDF4config.cmake,BUILD_GENERATOR=Unix -C Release -V -O hdf4.log

    Where the ctest command is using these options:

    • The -S option uses the script version of ctest.
    • The -C option specifies the build configuration which matches CTEST_BUILD_CONFIGURATION in the configuration file.
    • The -V option indicates verbose. -VV option indicates more verbose.
    • The -O option saves the output to a log file, hdf4.log.
  • The built binary will be placed in the build directory. It will have the format:

    On Windows, a .msi or.exe file will also be created, depending on the installer. On Unix, an additional .sh file will be created.

    If the built binary is not there, then see Troubleshooting for help.


  • My platform/compiler is not included. Can I still use the configuration files?

    Yes, you can but you will have to edit the HDF4config.cmake file and update the variable: Other variables may be updated for informational purposes but are not required (for example, SITE_OS_BITS).

    The generators for your platform can be seen by typing:

  • What do I do if the build fails?

    If the build works properly, then you will find the built and compressed binary in your CMake-hdf-4.N.N directory. If you do not find it then check the log files. You will find those in the build directory under CMake-hdf-4.N.N. For example, on Unix the log files will be in: There are log files for the configure, test, and build.

  • What if the binary does not get packaged properly?

    If the binary did not get packaged properly, look at the cpack.log file in the build directory under CMake-hdf-4.N.N. For example, on Unix look here:

  • What do I do if I need to rebuild the software?

    If you have to rebuild HDF4, remove the build directory first.

  • The library was built but there are no binaries. What do I do?

    To install or package the binaries, run either make install or cpack in thebuild/ directory.

Hdf Zlib File - - Last modified: 28 June 2017

A Massively Spiffy Yet Delicately Unobtrusive Compression Library
(Also Free, Not to Mention Unencumbered by Patents)

(Not Related to the Linux zlibc Compressing File-I/O Library)

Welcome to the zlib home page, web pages originally created by Greg Roelofsand maintained by Mark Adler.If this page seems suspiciously similar to the PNG Home Page, rest assuredthat the similarity is completely coincidental. No, really.

zlib was written byJean-loup Gailly (compression) andMark Adler(decompression).

Current release:

zlib 1.2.11

January 15, 2017


Version 1.2.11 has these key improvements over 1.2.10:

  • Fix deflate stored bug when pulling last block from window
  • Permit immediate deflateParams changes before any deflate input
Due to the bug fixes, any installations of 1.2.9 or 1.2.10 should be immediately replaced with 1.2.11.

Version 1.2.10 has these key improvements over 1.2.9:

Hdf Zlib File Size

  • Fix bug in deflate_stored() for zero-length input
  • Fix bug in gzwrite.c that produced corrupt gzip files

Version 1.2.9 has these key improvements over 1.2.8:

  • Improve compress() and uncompress() to support large lengths
  • Allow building zlib outside of the source directory
  • Fix bug when level 0 used with Z_HUFFMAN or Z_RLE
  • Fix bugs in creating a very large gzip header
  • Add uncompress2() function, which returns the input size used
  • Dramatically speed up deflation for level 0 (storing)
  • Add gzfread() and gzfwrite(), duplicating the interfaces of fread() and fwrite()
  • Add crc32_z() and adler32_z() functions with size_t lengths
  • Many portability improvements
You can also look at the complete Change Log.Hdf Zlib File
Canonical URL: http://zlib.net/ (US)

Hdf Zlib File Type

zlib is designed to be a free,general-purpose, legally unencumbered -- that is, not covered by any patents-- lossless

Code to generate any CRC, with a list of CRC descriptions.crcany.c can take a description of a CRC and compute that CRC efficiently. It includes bit-wise, table-driven byte-wise, and table-driven word-wise CRC algorithms.
Code to modify a message so that it generates the desired CRC.spoof.c takes an abbreviated description of the CRC, the exclusive-or of the current CRC of the message and the desired CRC, the length of the message, and a list of bit locations in a message, and tells you which of those bits should be inverted in the message to get the desired CRC. Note that it does not need the message itself, due to the linearity property of CRCs.

ZIP File Processing Bonus Software

Code to read a zip file as a stream and extract its contents.sunzip.c will read a zip file from stdin and extract the files therein that use compression methods 0, 8, 9, or 12 (stored, deflate, deflate64, or bzip2). It accepts Zip64 input.
Code to merge multiple zip files into a single zip file.zipknit.c accepts Zip64 input files, and will create Zip64 output if the combined size of the merged zip file warrants it. All compression formats are permitted, since no decompression or recompression is performed. Encrypted entries are permitted, and pass through unscathed.

Related External Links

zlib for Linux, both shared and static plus headers (RPM format, many architectures)
zlib for Solaris (alternate)
zlib for macOS (Mac OS X): zlib is already included as part of macOS
zlib for Palm Pilot
zlib for Newton OS
zlib for Windows CE
zlib for Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/2003 (DLL version, plus related utilities)
zlib for Windows 9x/NT (DLL and static version)
DotNetZip zip file manipulation for .NET, and more (including replacements for the buggy Microsoft GZipStream and DeflateStream classes)
zlib for .NET in C#
zlib DLL wrapper for .NET in C#
Zip for .NET
Mark Nelson's ZlibTool article (January 1997)
zlib C++ wrapper for the gz* functions.
C++ zlib and gzip filters in an iostream framework.
zlib 32-bit OCX (C++ source and binaries for use with Visual Basic 4.x or Delphi 2.0)
(unsupported VB5 binary also available)
zlib Delphi 5 interface
(includes compiled object files and corresponding C++ Builder 5 project files)
zlib Perl interface (source code; look for Compress-Zlib*.tar.gz)
zlib Python interface (online manual; part of the standard library as of Python 1.5)
zlib Tcl interface mkZiplib
zlib Haskell interface
zlib Java interface (see also JAR format)
zlib reimplementation in pure Java
(not tested by us, but looks like a good alternative to java.util.zip)
Mark Nelson's JavaZip article (with source code) (December 1997)
Random access for gzip archives, for Java
Gilles Vollant's zlib-based mini-zip and mini-unzip
(see also Info-ZIP's UnZip, which optionally can be compiled with zlib)
Scott Ludwig's zlib-based CExe executable compressor for Win32
zlib technical issues, including spec errors
zlib information in Japanese
zlib information in Russian
Real World Scanning and Halftones (second edition includes a section on zlib)
Markus Oberhumer's LZO `real-time' data compression library
(not tested by us, but looks like a good alternative if you need more speed and less compression)
lz4, a very fast compression algorithm
(not tested by us, but looks like an even better alternative if you need more speed and less compression)
Zstandard, a better compression algorithm
(not tested by us, but appears to be a better alternative to zlib in both dimensions of compression and speed, as well as decompression speed)
(not tested by us, but looks like a good alternative if you need more compression and less speed)
PPP Deflate Protocol (RFC 1979)
Info-ZIP Home Page
Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Home Page
gzip Home Page
pigz (parallel gzip) Home Page
comp.compression Frequently Asked Questions list
Send comments or questions about zlib to the authors at after checking FAQ andmanual.
Please report broken links to(PGP key).

This page last updated December 15th, 2017.

Hdf Zlib File Indir

Hdf zlib file chip

Hdf Zlib File Template

Web page copyright © 1996-2017 Greg Roelofs, Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler.
zlib software copyright © 1995-2017 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler.
zlib.org domain name donated by Andrew Green.